This 26 x 3 m metal mural is at the same time figurative and contemplative, gradually re-vealing new shapes, layers and letting our imagination flow.Those drawings caries the history, the icons and the costumes of Singapore, I represent also travelers that carry life stories, values and experiences.

video by Luan Banzai

Wander Art - London’s largest outdoor gallery

Spanning the neighbourhoods of Mayfair and Belgravia, Wander Art showcases some of the most exciting and innovative outdoor art installations from 12 world renowned artists. The Wander Art trail is a unique way to explore and enjoy London outdoors. Curated by Alter-Projects, the series of artworks was created by local, national and international artists and designers. The public art projects range from murals and street furniture to large-scale urban interventions, spread out across the central London neighbourhoods.

Este trabalho é parte do Urbain Gallery Project criado pela Brookfield Inc. com curadoria da ROJO art Barcelona. André Mendes 2011-2012 Tinta acrílica sobre prédio 45×35 m Curitiba - Brasil


Processo criativo e obras em movimento Produção 2012 / obras expostas no Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná - MAC - Curitiba, Brasil

Vídeo by Rasputines

Trilha: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra

Teaser to the exhibition Nasi Campur 2016 | Taksu Gallery Singapore | André Mendes. Video by André Mendes, Fernando Nogari and Murilo Hauser music by Hot Sugar

Um grande mural transformou as paredes do prédio da Emergência SUS do Hospital Pequeno Príncipe em Curitiba. O mural foi inspirado pelos desenhos feitos pelas crianças internas baseados no clássico infantil “O Pequeno Príncipe”. Por meio do projeto Criando Laços, o artista plástico, especializado em painéis em grandes formatos, André Mendes, apresenta para a cidade os personagens inspirados no olhar das crianças. São 1.000 m2 de pura arte, em um presente para a população.

Video by Luciano Coelho

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